
Jupyter Notebooks

Jupyter Notebooks are a great view to explore the wealth of data available through WEkEO. This service is available to all registered users for free.

Note : Our Jupyter environments were spread over 3 DPIs (Mercator, ECMWF, EUMETSAT). We are in the process of keeping only the EUMETSAT DPI. If you are granted an ECMWF or Mercator DPI environment, please follow this link instead :

The JupyterHub is free of charge and is accessible by creating a WEkEO account (Registering).

The computing resources of the JupyterHub consist of the following:

  • Earth Observation mode

  • Machine Learning mode

Both with 8 CPUs, 16 GB of RAM

In order to use Jupyter Notebooks:

  1. Log in to WEkEO

  2. Click on your profile menu to go to your dashboard:

  3. Click on JupyterHub:

  4. Choose your preferred server options and click on Start for launching the server.

  1. After a while, your server environment will be ready:

  2. Feel free to explore the available resources under the public folder:

    The public folder is retrieved from the GitHub repository. Any changes in the GitHub repository will be updated in the public folder.

Please check the next subsections, for more details about the filesystems and the conda environments.